Friday, November 2, 2007

Isolation! Thats where I am right now, I am feeling very alone here in CT. all my family and friends are not in theis state.
We still have not found the right house to move to.. I guess I am just feeling sorry for myself today! I know I should'nt, I have soo very much to be gratefull for.
I think it's just everything right now, I need a bigger house to live in, a yard for Emmy to run in. I am also thinking about my grand children, all in DCF custody right now, they are taking away my daughter's right's. I feel hurt and pain right to my very soul and there is NOTHING I can do to fix it! I am her MOM after all, MOM'S FIX THING"S!!! but this thing, I can not fix and its eating me up inside! I keep telling myself "IF she had only listenned to me" when I tried to tell her she was screwing up!
But like many , she did not listen and look now what has happenned! I am not beating myself up for this anymore, I am beyond that now, all the "WHAT IF"S" but I still hurt for the children. I miss them, Now the only time I see them is at a controlled visit, for about an hour a month..I just needed to Vent a little, I feel better now..
Brightest Blessings to ALL..

1 comment:

Tanya Siekman said...


Bless you heart. It's tough I know. I really hope everything works out for her. It's so sad when parents don't realize at the moment what they're doing ... then later, it's late.

Just keep hugging Emmy ... she's lucky!
